dscf0167Front row: Mr Jesse Choi (third from right), CEO of Sunwah Innovations; Assoc. Prof. Vu Hai Quan (fourth from right), VNUHCM Vice Chancellor; and Dr Herman Hu (fifth from right), at the “Industry 4.0 & Innovation Experience from Guandong, Hong Kong and Macao” workshop

whatsapp-image-2018-10-30-at-18-18-003 Vietnamese startups, including Meete, Getdone and CYFEER with the Vietnamese Consul General in Hong Kong and Macao (center), at the Elevator Pitch Competition 2018 

wechat-image_20191107102520Mr Jesse Choi (front row, fourth from left), the speakers and Honorary Guests at the Innovation Network Seminar in Macao

1-reception-1Sunwah Innovation Center Ho Chi Minh City officially launched on 7 December 2020

Sunwah Innovation Center

Since 2018, Sunwah Innovations (a member of Sunwah Group) has been promoting entrepreneurship among young Vietnamese people, providing a platform for them to nurture their creative ideas and projects as well as contribute to the development of the startup ecosystem in Vietnam.

On 3 July 2019, Sunwah Innovations received the Hong Kong “Exploring Innovation in Vietnam” delegation of 46 professors and students led by Dr Herman Hu, Hong Kong Deputy of National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, to Ho Chi Minh City to explore the innovation development in Vietnam. With the support of Sunwah Innovations, the delegation had successful visits to several technology parks in the City. The delegation also attended the “Industry 4.0 & Innovation Experience from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao” workshop, co-organised by Sunwah Innovations and Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM). Mr Jesse Choi, CEO of Sunwah Innovations; Dr Herman Hu and Assoc. Prof. Vu Hai Quan, Vice Chancellor of VNUHCM, were keynote speakers at the workshop.

On 19 September 2019, Sunwah Innovations received Invotech delegation which consisted of Hong Kong entrepreneurs and investors to Ho Chi Minh City to explore the business environment and startup ecosystem in the most vibrant city of Vietnam.

Since 2018, Sunwah Innovations has been the Global Partner of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) for the annual startup event Elevator Pitch Competition in Hong Kong.  Sunwah Innovations has nominated and provided sponsorship packages for 13 Vietnamese startups to enter the Top 100 Finalist of the Competition and join the Global Matching Program. In 2018, CYFEER was selected as one of the Top 10 Finalists and awarded a six-month training program by HKSTP.

In October 2019, Sunwah Innovations and Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of University of Macau jointly organized an Innovation Network Seminar with speakers from Macao, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Canada, Vietnam as well as Honorary Guests from the US and Cambodia and members of the Sunwah GYLN. All speakers highly recommended the setup of Sunwah Global Innovation Network and said it would be a great platform for them to join and exchange new ideas, new trends and learn from each other.

As response to the Vietnamese Government’s call for support to develop the startup community, Sunwah Innovation Center Ho Chi Minh City officially launched in 7 December 2020 at Sunwah Pearl as the flagship Center among Sunwah Innovation Centers’ network in various cities and countries. These Centers will connect with universities, incubators, accelerators, investors, corporations and other resources in each location, creating an international and solid innovation ecosystem to fuel startups’ growth and success.