Networking Dinner of Sunwah Global Young Leaders Network Ho Chi Minh City Chapter

(28 December 2020)

Sunwah – On the evening of 28 December 2020 at Sunwah Innovation Center, Sunwah Foundation hosted the Networking Dinner of Sunwah Global Young Leaders Network Ho Chi Minh City Chapter (Sunwah GYLN) to welcome new members and toast to an amazing 2021.

img_1377-reviseNetworking Dinner of Sunwah Global Young Leaders Network Ho Chi Minh City Chapter at Sunwah Innovation Center

The Networking event had the participation of 30 Sunwah GYLN HCMC members, representatives of Sunwah Group and special guests. At the event, GYLN members had the opportunity to receive practical advice on leadership development, education and career path, mental and emotional aid from our special guests, including Mr Anh Vu Vincent Nguyen, the only Vietnamese Schwarzman Scholar so far; Ms Nguyen Duc Nhu Thuy, the only Vietnamese licensed Art Therapist in HCMC (and one of the only two in Vietnam); and Dr Nguyen Tran Phi Yen, CEO and Founder of Zigzag Career.

dscf1678The 3 special guests at the Networking Dinner, including Ms Nguyen Tran Phi Yen (second from left), CEO and Founder of Zigzag Career; Ms Nguyen Duc Nhu Thuy (third from left), the only Vietnamese licensed Art Therapist in HCMC; and Mr Nguyen Anh Vu (fourth from left), the only Vietnamese Schwarzman Scholar so far

Speaking at the Networking event, Mr Jesse Choi, Director of Sunwah Vietnam and CEO of Sunwah Innovations, shared that Sunwah GYLN is a great platform for young people to develop their personal skills and international outlooks. He also shared about the aim of Sunwah Innovation Center Ho Chi Minh City to promote entrepreneurship among young Vietnamese people, support creative ideas and project as well as contribute to the development of startup ecosystem in Vietnam. Mr Jesse Choi hoped that all Sunwah GYLN HCMC members will become entrepreneurs and startup founders in the future and promised to use Sunwah Innovation Center’s resources and network to support their ideas and projects.

wechat-image_20210218151344Mr Jesse Choi, Director of Sunwah Vietnam and CEO of Sunwah Innovations, delivered his speech at the Networking event

In 2014, Sunwah GYLN was launched by Sunwah Foundation to provide a platform for students from various countries and regions to promote understanding and enhance leadership skill through various social services and culture exchange projects. Since launching, Sunwah GYLN has been constantly expanding and engaging more and more talented young people from around the world with chapters in many countries and regions, including Vietnam (Hanoi and HCMC), Hong Kong, Macao, Mainland China, Canada, Japan, Cambodia, the U.K and the U.S.

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