Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mrs Carrie Lam, delivered speech at the 14th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Yangon, Myanmar

(14 September 2017)

Takungpao –  The 14th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) was organized in Yangon, Myanmar from 15th to 18th September. On 13th September, Chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Dr Jonathan Choi, led a delegation of 40 people to attend the Convention in Myanmar. Being a member of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, represented Hong Kong to attend the Convention as the guest of honor and deliver a key speech with the aim at promoting economic cooperation and enhancing the role of Hong Kong in the region through the discussion with government and business leaders from Mainland China, Hong Kong, South East Asia and other regions in the world.

20170914100808736-revisedChairman of the Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Dr Jonathan Choi (in white shirt, middle of first row), led a delegation to attend the 14th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Yangon, Myanmar

Dr Jonathan Choi said that, Mrs Carrie Lam not only has been striving to promote the economy and business environment in Hong Kong but she also keeps improving the social welfare to encourage the economic exchange and cooperation between Hong Kong and ASEAN.  Her first diplomatic visits after taking office were to the two South-East Asian nations that were Singapore and Thailand. Myanmar is the 3rd country in the region that Mrs Lam has diplomatically visited. Hong Kong considered it was an honor that Mrs Lam was invited to attend the 14th WCEC as a keynote speaker.

More than 3,000 Chinese businessmen attended the 14th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention

Under the theme of “Setting up Historical Milestones through the Economic Reform of Myanmar”, the 14th WCEC aims to build the economic and commercial networks between Chinese entrepreneurs and the world, as well as jointly explore new global economic development trends through the ASEAN and the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative. Speaking at the WCEC, Mrs Carrie Lam pointed out a number of issues regarding the promotion of regional economic and commercial cooperation and the role of Hong Kong in today world’s economic integration. Dr Jonathan Choi also shared his views regarding how Hong Kong enterprises can join and cooperate with Chinese enterprises to develop the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative as well as suggested solutions to regional economic cooperation.

WCEC was established in 1991 by 3 organisations, namely the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and the Thai – Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The 14th WCEC was hosted by the Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce, attracting the participation of more than 20 countries and more than 3,000 leading Chinese entrepreneurs around the world.

Translated from: Takungpao

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