Hong Kong business delegation visited Japan to promote cooperation among Japan, Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area and Vietnam

(31 August 2023)

Sunwah – From 29 to 31 August 2023, a Hong Kong business delegation composed of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, the Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneurs Alliance, and the Hong Kong Vietnam Chamber of Commerce, went to Fukuoka, Kyushu to explore investment and cooperation opportunities in Japan. The delegation consisted of more than 20 entrepreneurs from Hong Kong, Macao, other Greater Bay Area cities and Vietnam, covering industries including import and export, construction engineering, finance, consulting services, food processing, electronics, chemicals, medicine and health, and media, etc.

As the Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, the chairman of the Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneurs Alliance, the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of the Hong Kong Sunwah Group, the head of the delegation, Dr. Jonathan Choi said, “This delegation’s visit to Japan aims to promote the development of the Greater Bay Area, Japan and Vietnam in the three major fields of commerce and trade, innovation and technology, and culture.”

On the morning of 30 August, the delegation visited the Kyushu Economic Federation, one of the four major chambers of commerce in Japan. Focusing on the development opportunities of the Greater Bay Area and Vietnam, Dr. Choi said that the world economy is shifting from the West to the East, and the East is dominated by China, ASEAN, and Japan. As a super connecting point, Hong Kong can bring China, Japan, and Vietnam to develop together.

Meeting with Kyukeiren (resize)The delegation visited the Kyushu Economic Federation

In the afternoon of 30 August, the Hong Kong delegation held an exchange luncheon on “Business Cooperation between Japan, the Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area and Vietnam”. More than 60 Japanese local government officials and entrepreneurs were invited to attend the meeting. At the meeting, the Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneurs Union signed a cooperation MoU with the Kyushu Economic Federation. At the luncheon, Ms. Winsome Au, Chief Representative of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Tokyo, said in her speech that the first region the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Tokyo visited after the epidemic was Kyushu, which shows that Hong Kong and Kyushu have close connection and both believe that exchanges between the two places can create more opportunities. This MOU signed today is not only a commitment on paper, but also proof of the two parties’ common desire to promote the sustainable development of economic and trade relations.

20230830_0314 (resize)Dr Jonathan Choi (right), Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, the chairman of the Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneurs Alliance, the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Sunwah Group, delivered Opening remarks

Ký MoU với Kyukeiren Kyushu Chairman (resize)Mr Sumio Kuratomi (left), President of Kyushu Economic Federation; and Dr Jonathan Choi (right)

WeChat Image_20230914101821The delegation participated in the Luncheon on “Business Cooperation between Japan, the Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area and Vietnam”

In the afternoon of the same day, the Hong Kong delegation, Japan Hong Kong Society of Kyushu, Kyushu Economic Forum and Kyushu University jointly held the “Business, Innovation and Cultural Collaboration in Japan, Greater Bay Area and Vietnam” seminar at the Jonathan KS Choi Cultural Center of Kyushu University in Japan, about 100 entrepreneurs, start-ups and cultural representatives from the three places attended the seminar. At the meeting, the Jonathan KS Choi Cultural Center in Vietnam and Beijing signed an MoU on cultural cooperation, which will strengthen cooperation with the Jonathan KS Choi Cultural Center of Kyushu University to promote cultural projects. In addition, Kyushu University’s Open Innovation Platform has signed an MoU with Sunwah Innovations, and will develop in coordination with Sunwah Innovations located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Nansha, Guangzhou, China. Mr. Lu Guijun, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Fukuoka, and Ms. Vu Chi Mai, Consul General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Fukuoka, attended the event and delivered speeches.

20230830_1477 (resize)The “Business, Innovation and Cultural Collaboration in Japan, Greater Bay Area and Vietnam” Seminar

METI Director (resize)Mr. Kimihide Namura, General Director of Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

China CG (resize)Mr. Lu Guijun, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Fukuoka

VN CG (resize)Ms. Vu Chi Mai, Consul General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Fukuoka

Kyushu Uni President (resize)Mr. Tatsuro Ishibashi, President of Kyushu University

20230830_2019 (resize)Mr. Jesse Choi, Regional Director of Sunwah Group (ASEAN)

MOU signing on culture (resize)MOU signing on cultural collaboration between the two Jonathan KS Choi Cultural Centres in Vietnam and Beijing 

MOU signing on innovation (resize)MOU signing between Sunwah Innovations and Open Innovation Platform, Kyushu University

On the morning of August 31, Mr. Masaru Eguchi, Deputy Governor of Fukuoka Prefecture Government, received the Hong Kong delegation. He first conveyed the governor’s greetings to Dr. Jonathan Choi. He emphasized that Fukuoka and Hong Kong have had commercial cooperation for more than half a century. Fukuoka’s agriculture is well-developed, and Hong Kong is one of the cities that imports the most from Fukuoka. At the same time, he is also very happy that Dr. Choi has led Hong Kong entrepreneurs from many different industries to Fukuoka, and Fukuoka welcomes all kinds of investment from Hong Kong.

Meeting với Vice Mayor (resize)The Hong Kong delegation (right) met with the Fukuoka Prefecture Government (left)

Dr. Choi said that the purpose of bringing the delegation to Fukuoka this time was to develop closer cooperative relations between Hong Kong and Fukuoka, therefore a diverse group of members was brought to Fukuoka this time. In particular, innovative industries are the main focus now. Japan is Vietnam’s second-largest source of foreign investment. If we can combine Hong Kong’s R&D strengths, Shenzhen’s high technology, Vietnam’s young labor force, and Japan to develop innovation and technology and help start-ups to be listed in Hong Kong, this will create greater common benefits.

Chụp hình với Vice Mayor (resize)Dr Jonathan Choi (left) and Mr. Masaru Eguchi (right), Deputy Governor of Fukuoka Prefecture Government

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