Sunwah Group met with Long An Province People’s Committee and Becamex IDC

(23 July 2023)

Sunwah – On the morning of 21 July, Mr Jesse Choi, Regional Director of Sunwah Group Southeast Asia, and Mr Jackson Choi, Regional Director of Sunwah Group East China, led a delegation from Ho Chi Minh City and Nanking (Jiangsu Province, China) to visit and work with the People’s Committee of Long An Province. Mr Nguyen Van Ut, Chairman of the People’s Committee, along with senior officials various departments, welcomed the delegation at the Long An Conference Center.


During the meeting, Mr Jesse Choi introduced the business activities and international network of Sunwah Group. Mr. Jackson Choi presented the project “China (Yiwu) – Vietnam Cooperative Industrial Park” and expressed the hope to learn more about the province’s support policies related to this project.

z4534784594690_3fc1368976a79e68e1626b910991382bMr Jesse Choi (left) and Mr Nguyen Van Ut (right)

Chairman of the People’s Committee of Long An Province, Mr Nguyen Van Ut, stated that this is a new and promising project, and the Province will fully support Sunwah Group during the actual implementation.

On the morning of 22 July, the delegation visited Becamex Industrial Development Corporation (Becamex IDC). Chairman of Becamex IDC, Mr Nguyen Van Hung, welcomed the delegation.

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Mr Jesse Choi introduced Sunwah Group in general and its business areas in Vietnam in particular. Mr. Jackson Choi shared information about the “China (Yiwu) – Vietnam Cooperative Industrial Park”  project and requested for potential cooperation with Becamex IDC.

WeChat Image_20230727134644Mr Jesse Choi (left) and Mr Nguyen Van Hung (right)

Chairman of Becamex IDC, Mr Nguyen Van Hung shared that Binh Duong is one of the most developed provinces in Vietnam, and Becamex is also the largest state-owned enterprise in the area. He believed that this is a large-scale project with significant potential and looked forward to collaborating with Sunwah Group in the future.

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